Now I can use Word to make postings. This post was done using it. Glad to see that my office installation of Word works properly with it. I think now that my personal website has settled down nicely. The only major downtime for which I had to make workarounds was DirectNIC ’s hosting of one of my work sites. Hurricane Katrina brought New Orleans practically underwater, taking down some of their infrastructure. I did say things were coming back to normal, which is somewhat optimistic, as the Mayor of New Orleans has ordered everybody to leave the city, as it is in no habitable condition. In fact, DirectNIC have been keeping their servers on with diesel generators, and some of their team have been holed up in the building during the whole event. Their blog has been reported widely in the media, since apart from their postings, they have had photos, and live camera feeds showing how things really are from the center of the city. Btw, I’ve moved the worksite back to them now, f