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Showing posts from August, 2002
Although my PC is still in hospital, I've salvaged its hard discs and put them into another machine. I thus have access to my website again. However, things are very hectic at the moment. I have three seperate projects on the go right now, two for the same client (one of which is the video, on hold, the second is their CD-ROM, which was put on hold earlier in the year), while the latter is an official site for a Malaysian Formula 3 driver, Mohammad Fairuz Faizal. Received the CD last week, full of photos and bios, now need to come up with something nice and racy. Scantily clad models draped across his car is definitely out! Had a mad and nasty weekend in Ipoh, Anusha's interview for becoming a magistrate was yesterday, so she spent the weekend stressing out big time. The interview itself went badly. Nerves and fatigue rendered her unable to answer some of the questions thrown at her by the two interviewers. I was there to lend moral support... which didn't work. However,
Wow, another week passes. Missed my deadline for the project - am still working on it. 3d anims not put in yet, and still refining the flow of the video. But have the music in, using 4 tracks, which makes the current 12 minute length more palatable. Don't think I'll finish by the end of today. And I've still got to get my work permit renewal form... never a dull moment! My PC is still sick, so no new work on the beta site for the time being. I know I'll end up redoing the design once I get the chance...
Now into week three. Spent Thurs and Fri using 3D Studio Max for the first time. A very intense and stressful experience, but a necessary one, if I am ever to get out of the rut of not knowing how to perform such an important part of numedia. Produced 4 files, all flowcharts nicely animated, boss has rendered them over the weekend, to be incorporated today. Currently divising a caption bar to go throughout the video. Supposed to using Photoshop 6, but have very little experience in it, compared to Fireworks. Must try harder...
Went down with some rotten migraine on Wednesday through to Friday. Took Thursday off, and inbetween, was trying to fix my work PC, which died on boot up. Inserting a network card at the time did not help. Turns out I've fried either the motherboard or the CPU. Either way, it's pretty crap. Ripped out all my cards and hard discs, which now sit impatiently waiting for a new home. And my beta website source work is on them, so I can't update it until it's sorted. Arse! Presently doing offline editing of new footage shot last Wednesday for the east coast project. I have until Friday to finish everything. Will I have enough time to blog again by then? Watched Life as a House . Didn't get to the end though, but very good stuff so far. Americans can make good movies, when they are nudged gently with sharp needles.