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Showing posts from August, 2006

RISC OS and BBC Micro Content

I have been a closet fan of RISC-OS for many years now. Cut a long story short for those of you unfamiliar with it: ROM based operating system, originally designed by Acorn Computers for the Archimedes range of computers in 1989, and still in development to this day, despite the demise of Acorn in 1999, by a group of enthusiastic companies mostly based in the UK. I had been an Acorn user since 1985, having received a BBC Micro for my tenth birthday. My last Acorn machine was a Risc PC, received for Christmas in 1994. It's been hardly used since 2000, when I wrote a rather hasty review for Acorn User of the web design package Sitewriter . I recently switched on this machine, and found it still worked , not bad for a 12 year old computer! Recently, however, I purchased VirtualRPC-SE , which turns my Windows laptop into a RISC-OS 4 enabled laptop. The software is incredibly easy to setup, unlike the free version, Red Squirrel , which requires the original ROMs, and is not supported

Updates aplenty

Over the past few weeks, I've been hard at work, and some of the fruits of my labour are on my site, namely my first work in Flash . Some simple rolling animations for a housing development in London, called Chiswick Park . I haven't seen it on-site, but I gather that these animations play in their snazzy elevators to occupants, promoting events which take place throughout the year. I have to admit, it has been rather embarrassing to consider myself a web development/design professional, without knowing how to use Flash. It's been one of my major stumbling blocks, until a one day training session sorted me out. Now I can churn them out like there's no tomorrow!